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100%蒔蘿芳療精油 學名: Anethum gr 萃取方式:蒸餾法植物來源國:印度 |
售價:480 |
搜尋參考資料: 1. www.aayurherb.com/indian-ayurvedic-herbs.html Backed by a team of proficient workforce, we offer our clients wide assortment of natural botanicals. Known for finest quality, the Indian Ayurvedic Herbs we ... www.silkroadgourmet.com/mesopotamian-wildfowl-pie So how was it? It was savory and delicious. The flavor of the rye and the roasted dill in the crust was fabulous and my husband really liked the taste of the layer of ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fenugreek አማርኛ; العربية; Azərbaycanca; বাংলা; भोजपुरी; Български; Català; Cebuano; Čeština; Cymraeg; Dansk; Deutsch ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anise Culinary . Anise is sweet and very aromatic, distinguished by its characteristic flavor. The seeds, whole or ground, are used for preparation of tea (alone or in ... www.rareseeds.com Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds America's Top Source for Pure Heirloom Seeds 【Body Temple身體殿堂】蒔蘿芳療精油10ml(Dill seed),香氛精油,品項,香氛,草本保養,美妝 |
品名:BODY TEMPLE 100%蒔蘿芳療精油 容量: 10ml 主成份:詳見商品推薦內容說明 製造商: 澳洲 使用方法: 詳見商品推薦內容說明 注意事項: 1. 使用後若有不適請即刻停止使用,並請教專業醫生。 2. 請勿置於高溫、潮濕以及陽光直射處。 |
資料來源:momo購物網 |